Pankaj mishra
2 kinds of wealth
Accumulation in one case, living only, not living well. Excess of enjoyment contrast to nature. Turn everything quality in to a means of getting wealth. Bravery, strength, interpret CW
1. Soil personals. Common stock
Labor common and divide produce
3. Soil and produce common.
Complain if not divided equal.
Pri keeps peace. Use of it common. Take an apple if needed.
Men always want more and more without end because that is the nature of desire, not to be satisfied.
Many more incorruptible than the few.
When law not supreme demagogue springs up Flatterer held in honor by the tyrant.
Not everyone can handle prosperity. Don’t give too many power rewards to a few. And not to fast. Also take away slow
Virtue not attained thru acquiring external goods. Found in cultivated in mind and character.
Europe full of spirit but lack will. Free but incapable of rule
Equality exits is same treatment if same people.
Chris Hayes. Colony in a nation. Enforcement regime undermined accountability. Making $, raise revenue over rights. Unless tix go up, have a short fall. Visual assessment.
Many tix require court appearance. Specific court only meet3/4x per month a few hours a month. Not all seen. They cited for failure to appear.
2 parking tix resulted in 7 failure to appear. Court sent arrest warrant. New fines. Each time. Twice tried to make payments. Only accept whole thing
Changes everything
1992 goals were enough. Mid century. 2 degree change was possible
National Treatment – no distinction between local and foreign goods. At least apply for exceptions. No requiring local sources – distorts market
Fossil fuel gets 775 billion in subsidy. Free dumping in atmosphere. Pay nothing. Do nothing. Massive market failure.
Climate and trade negotiation conducted separated. UNFCCC same year NAFTA and WTO created. Never look at impact. Trade massive increase travel. Climate deal have free tech transfer to poor countries to kick leap to green energy – trade patent enforcement killed it. Trade letting companies sue gov over laws that impinge profit stops action on pollution.
Climate just voluntary. Trade had teeth
Emission in cap trade register to manufacturing company. Tv used in used made in china, counts for china not us. Shipping here not counted at all. Container ships ignored. Pic of emission distorted. Looks like us going down but look at consumption outs is soaring.
1% emission growth in 90s. Down from 4.5%. 2008 3.4%. 2010 5.9% all due to increase of global trade
Popular tax. Remove fossil subsidies. Oil and coal companies pay for pollution. Much of money goes right ti families. 75% republicans like it. Cap and dividend.
We are done with lopsided sacrifice.
Environment impact assessment.
Ban of substances. Polluter pay for clean up Lakes and river clean, lead gone, acid rain, mercury almost gone. DDT FCB no longer in our blood, stoncium 90 no longer in cows or mothers milk. Come from bans.
Regeagn. A tree is a tree. James Watt fear to make centralized control of economy.
Natural gas as a bridge. Fracking leaks much more. Renewable more efficient. Frack close to coal in emissions.
EDF study says emissions lower. Let the industry pick which wells to measure. 10-20x lower. Only sites and times. Can be seen as best case scenario. Industry can produce low emissions but only do when watched.
Kyoto we forever world into cap and trade. Then we didn’t do it! Forced all other countries to agree then said no. Created a terrible market in Europe as it incentivized companies to pollute. Nigeria get credit for. It flaring bearing gas off oil. Air conditioner companies get credit HFC23 destroying. Install later to burn off rather than spew gas. It is so lucrative that companies just produce gas in order to destroy it. Making the gas is very energy intensive.
Carbon cowboys. Buy offset rights from jungles. Lock out people from own land. Can’t hunt fish or use trees. Easier to duck the poor than make rich oil change. Not cut emissions . Went up. Many offsets not real. Airlines made $. Polluters no incentive to changes. Power companies pass on cost. Windfall for them.
2014 Rex Tillerson joined anti fracking suit Cassie close to his house
1. Loss of nerve with military campaign. Pretend to have higher values, simply because we don’t understand what this angry reactions is and to what. Horrified and baffled.
Crystal palace future. Rational joyful work, gender equality and free love 1860
2. Dostoevsky saw how individual focus, military dominance of materialism supported by modern war. Triumphant and proud. Rational egoism
He argues that we are irrational. Sick man spiteful man unknowable man. Never succeeded at being anything. Self interest unreliable follows desire. Rational ego lease reliable guide to action. Man never renounce suffering war. Luxuriates in impotence. Projects blame outwards. Resentment. Weak blaming remote elite.
Economic. Self interest harmonized by trade and add to public good. Smith emulation of others becomes good social force thru invisible hand.
3. Resentment from heart. Those felt left behind susceptible political seduction. Rousseau system based on envious comparison, self seeking, multiplication of baseless needs reveals drivers of discontent. Progress and liberty seem false. People accept old religious ideas and violence to achieve it. Reaction to modern life.
4. Modern life not really make welcome many. Seek their own identity is reaction. Always feel outside and bit whole, powerful. Japan. Electric light vanished shadows from culture, took essentials. Surrender to modern and left a centuries old road. Cities of Salt.
Shariati. Islamic Rousseau. Liberty, equality spirituality. Without capital, totalitarian, clerics.
Mimic man. Isis leader with Rolex. Trapped.
5. Starts with list of anti west strong men.