
Naomi Klein author of Shock doctrine. Corps use disorientation after shock war, coup, disaster to push pro corporate changes We need more than no. Yes keep us on street.

Move thing to people.  KingCorporate coup. Super rich out to grab more team made fortune by hurting others Munichin. Tillerson denier. Military state.

Brand. Use to be making this. Company values. By 80. Econ tough options. People buy on price only.

Create transcendent idea around company. Use idea to connect wit consumers who share its values. Charge steep premium for having idea associated with a product. Play on our need to belong to something bigger than ourselves. A Brand.

Brand injected into anything. Making only an incidental part of busy. Anyone can do it. Company is design, innovation and marketing.  Own little, brand everything.  

Result culture crowded with more marketing.  Workers disposable.  Competitors use same factories. Companies didn’t move factories. They closed them.  Hired “contractors” 

Trump built his empire using this method. Then capitalized on rage and despaired left behind by it. “The show is Trump”. 

Branded high end estate live work and play.Show. Got played to place other brands and brought kids in – making new brands. Started selling name.  No longer building. 

2015. 24-36 trillion off shore cash sloshing around.  Jumped into this cash stream.  

Conflict of interest.  Can’t divest.  His company is his name.  Value of name goes up, makes money from president. Conflict of interest but can’t disentangle brand and man.  Melonia Daily Mail suit $150,000 damage when she doesn’t have company. But built in future a brand worth millions as most photographed woman in world. 
Ivanka trademarks in china. 

Clinton didn’t challenge system just more inclusive. No living wage, right to house, free healthcare. 

Trade rules worse, not better. 75% of regulations. 15% tax cut for rich. Wall built wit Chinese steel. Make America cheap again. Suppress rights wages and protections. Race to bottom.  Foreign over local production and local laws.
Betchel Bolivia water. 

Bernie. Neo liberalism, economic inequality, climate change. 100% renewable, break up banks, free health care, student debt. Why big dems not support.  Improve lives of climate change. They chose status quo.  Not going to work for real change – pragmatic. 

Shock free market changes rammed thru. Chile. Freideman. Freedom of market equal freedom of people. Yet first used in chile. We orchestrate coup then ram thru very unpopular policies (allende picnochete) vouchers, cemeteries , pay as u go healthcare. Argentina uraquay and Brazil. 
Fall of wall. Transform land and resources to wealth. 

Corpcivics GeoGroup prison companies.  Stocks soaring. 
Katrina. Tropical storm. Levee so decrepit that broke. Story of bad gov. Neoliberal theft. Pence RSC study center. Heritage 32 pro corporate relief policy. Oil over people. 

Milton Friedman. Crisis only produced real change. Actions taken result from ideas lying around. That is our job, create alternatives and keep them alive till the politically impossible becomes politically imperative. 
Syria drought helped fuel civil war.  Drone strikes in dry places. Climate changes. Bombs oil. Drones follow water. EL Wiseman

Science What do we want? Evidence-based research When do we want it? After peer review 

Security tied to common, not ownership Commons increase feel part. Public sector feel part of it. gbi. 

LEAPLead with values, not policies Current system based on grabbing. Short term profit – Brazil. Care for world to each other Care and consent. Respect for others. Green job is sustainable job, care jobs. 

Openness Zeus. Are we in this together. Energy owned by few.  Change ownership . Public renewable. Denmark, Germany 50% small farmers and co ops. Create jobs. Indigenous peoples first people get this. 
To pay  (gov broke)$775 billon carbon subsidies Transaction fee on financial transactionsWealth tax Charge more for extra action Carbon tax. Tax havens close. 

Redistribution Reparation. Inequality and climate change and racism linked. 

For better or worse, we live in a world of media invention. Instead of reusing a stable of forms over and over, it’s not much harder for us to create new ones. Let’s buy this theme.