Strangers in their Land

Arlie Russel Horchhild

Limbaugh protects red state insults.

Loss of honor, Undermine church, Taxes
Team players, worshippers, and cowboys
Vote for who puts bible where I belongs

Structural amnesia. Forget degradation. Stay pro industries. Doll makes us sad. Regulation makes us mad. Regulation caused spill. Just let co alone & 5.

Freedom from
Freedom to
Free to pollute not to swing
Free to carry loaded guns not fee from violence.

Regulation for shot make bad. Guns mo et
But good for women and minority’s

Deep story.\: In line. In middle way to hill
Poor black behind u. Worked hard. Not moving, feel u should
American dream says so
Showed honor and courage keeping place
Yet seem to be going backwards
Liberals disparage your beliefs
U remember a better time of prayer, order and belief
The come the line cutters
Not following line push u back
Blacks, women, jobs, school refugees, public sector workers. Immigrants. Not fair.
Obama embodied this
Then animals come before you jobs. Brown pelican, frogs.
We made the country then these folks cut us in front.
Guard up for sympathy for them
Betrayal. Someone must help line cutters
Obama says line cutters deserve extra help.

Jindal approach
Cut spending. Judicial branch. Public defenders. People languid in jail. Sold state owned business like parking lots. Gave healthcare to business – price rise excel rated Cut education. Cut taxes for oil. Gave incentives. 3 billion short fall. Reduce taxes and cut public sector and left state in shambles.

Blue state less polluted
Most polluted places, most Tea Party

Bulls Bears Ballot Box
Income employment 11/12 indicators economy better under dems

Norway freedom from need. Liberal public square. Thieves steal parts and build their own mansion. Pride in public square.

Left sees wealth unfair – rich. Right sees public funding and those getting something for nothing.
Reich suggests local rather global capital

  1. LA not like pollution but distain regulation
    GSS general social survey:
    Toxic Release Inventory (risk screening index) related ideas with risk.
    More risk less worry about environment
    More risk more likely we do enough to protect
  2. 8% budget on wealth
    51% of Medicare on children or elderly.
    18-64 61% recipients work
    52 of fast food workers, snap or Ned
    46% childcare workers
    48% home health
    Public subsidies companies who under pay

Bottom 20% gets 37% income from gov
26% of eligible people don’t take

1.88 1.75 fertility rate black white women

1.9% of non farm work for federal gov
3.5% for state inclu teacher, hospital
9.8% local Inc public school teacher
Add military and reserves less than 17%

Private sector pats more; Less pay diff in public

Regulation makes jobs
93 state rating on strict
2001 air quality I not reduce jobs
2004 impact reg on jobs. Plastics and oil slight boost. Steel and paper no impact
2008 study investment in climate ends some, creates others. Small net increase.

0.1 % of layoffs from safety environment .68
Less than. 1% cause of regulation.

Business attracted by high social spending – workers

Cope incentive lead race to bottom. Less income, more spending. More competition, lower tax base.

Nor jobs. LA paid lots for each job
Subsidies not affect business. Market fire.