Democracy in Chains

Nancy MacLean

Makers and Takers Wealth Push back against democracy Failure of democracy  to protect liberty of elite economic minority. Goal is to restrict voters to what the wealthiest agree to. Restrict role of people.

Chalhoun 1860 2/3 of wealthy in south. More cash in slaves than in railroads or industry Conflict between Econ liberty and democracy.  Wants to use gov to oppress others but nothing else. No helping others.Anti gov talk rooted in Support for slavery.  

Einhorn taxes were price paid for civilization. Liked having a voice in how spent. Positive up to civil war.  State more democratic and responsive in free states.

Jim Buchanan – revive view of south. Set out to change the story – to lie. Southern agrarian. Racial exclusive. Went on offense. Set out to liesVictimized by north.  Protecting themselves from aggressive African Americans. Also made idea of leviathan northern government taking local control from the south, forcing European ideas. Not math economist but social theory. Market best political decision makers. 

Road to Serfdom – Hyack 1947Rise of nazi outcome of reliance on state. Socialism lead to fascism.  Gov undermine all Freedom. Price signals of supply and demand best way to indivisible freedom.

Buchanan Look at public spending. Looked at Gov failure, not market failure. Why assume Gov can solve problem. Not use evidence.  Goal to break trust between public and gov. Curtail taxation and cut spending. Deny services to those who can’t afford them, even water. Fight social engineering. Social security education, etc. 

Stop looking at allocation problem. Individual liberty. Unregulated capitalization.  Pure market a fiction. 
Socail power shapes markets. 
These guys says any gov payment is rent seeking.  Any group looking for justice is taking from the rich. 
Public choice theory. Public university bad cause students don’t pay full price. Prof don’t sell. Tax payers don’t control.

CATO – ed crane funded by Koch. Social security, foreign aid, Medicare, Child labor, EPA, public edu, FDA, establishment need overthrown. Conservatives go for military. Dems for false goal of equality.  Annihilate statism. Koch. Single donor non profit follow whims of donor. Not stay true to cause. 

Samaritans dilemma – Buchanan- Jesus too giving. Modern man too soft.  Exploit giver rather than rely on self. Exploit producers. 
Reason foundation – sell public goods, privatize services.  Poule. Slow motion dismantling thru privatization. 
Buchanan exploit gov thru group org. All desire max power for self and control over others. Unremitting coercive bargainNo more mutual advantage based on mutual respect.  
Need constitutional constraints because no way to reconcile property rights with voting rights. Buchanan wanted a new social contract. Restrict franchise to property owners.

Chile – Pinochet crushed land reform, students, social Supprt. Econ liberty for a few, repression of many. Re-wrote constitution. Buchanan helped rewrite in balance and lock it in place.  7 modernization. No national unions, privatize social security – social insurance – self insurance. Privatize health care, vouchers, purge teachers, open to world markets. Then new constitution.  Pay ash gov, gov not make monetary police, 2/3 majority to approve spending. Protect from democracy. Electoral system very weighted to right. People vote yes or non for changes. Arrested and tortured those who campaigned against constitution. No changes without super majority voted two years in a row. Econ collapsed. Short boom went to a few people. Crash paid by all.  

Regeagn David stockman budget director tried to enact. Kent Roth tax cut. Drastic cut to entitlements. Whole country pushes back. Libertarian stockman sees that if people want clean air, free schools, retirement than we need functioning liberal demo. And we must raise taxes to fund it. Admin did opposite. Left social spending in place, cut taxes and spent money. Military , prisons, border.

Regean exp taught right to lie. Tried first on social security. Cato called it Ponzi scheme. Alter beneficiaries view of social security.  Attack the viable of it. Say it is in trouble then propose solutions that split collation in favor of it. For instance, propose taxing rich higher. Poor like but anger those have to pay. Fracture broad support. Isolate and weaken system. Bring in those who benefit those who gain – procure savings – Wall Street. Part of chaining democracy.

Amend constitution – kill majority rules. Public choice used to save gov can’t solve problem.  People still acting for own actions. Means to redistribute resources. 

Dick Army – who behind Contract for America. 10 bills to complete regean.  Howard W Smith. Against civil rights, healthcare.  Wanted balance budget meeting. Give up EPA, Medicare and social security.  Failed people not want and Clinton triangulated, took over key parts. 
Public school bad for foster public actionSocialism anything that gov spends money on people.

1998 Buchanan center fund raiser. Teach elected officials and judges how to apply public choice theory to their work. Broke law.  

Market freedom. Government coercive.  But movement used massive funds to coerce movement. Once Koch took over George Mason, controlled by him and no one will speak out as they owe all cash to him. ALEC. Well funded primary campaigns to get their candidates. 

Mackinaw center. sdn Koch state level appIgnore capital incentiveDon’t teachSend more to prison, don’t train, servicesImmigrant retention most lucrative. 
Decline of unions leads to income gap. 

Cowan weaken checks and balances. Use emergencies so fast large change. 
Veto power. More vetos built into a system, less freedom. We have the most in any democracy 4.  All 4 vestige of slavery – accommodating rich slave owners. Vero peer of house, senate and pres. constitution alter only by 2/3 of state. Winner take all electoral system – only two parties. 10th amendment give power to state and senates which so distorts 1-1 voting. 
Arbitration take away our right to court, credit, phones, medical. Private justice. National independence business ACACommerce clause regulate trade Roberts says commerce not license to regular people cradle to grave.