
Kurt Anderson 

Anne Hutchinson. Known for key figure in religious freedom but did so by arguing that u can believe whatever you want.  Including the idea that she was magic.  

Johnathan Edwards first ecstatic preaching in US. Wesley Methodist. Whitefield – 1730s. Performed portrayals. Authentic emotion. Root in deep feeling. Persecuted righteous with emotion Anyone could be a preacher. Anyone could practice and believe what whatever in order to get closer to JESUS. 
Lead to our odd individualism that anything I believe is true as long as I truly believe it.  

Enlightenment allowed people to believe anything.  Idea was that reason would win. Freedom to all thought.  Craziness had room. 
First great delirium 1800sFounding. Knelt in prayer at valley forgeAngel who appeared to get people to sign Declaration of Independence. Reagan repeated this story. 

1785 Thomas Jefferson Superstitious in north. South not tied to church, all about the heart. 

1800 cane ridge 1801Kentucky preacher God entered people. Believers were struck down – slain laid out for hours then rise to proclaim.  20,000 can to August event.  Screaming, barking, jerking. Drinking and sex craziness. 

Bill Miller. End times (upstate NY) Vision lead to specific date.  End is Nigh. 7th day adventists split off after no end

Darby next – soonish. And invented rapture. Faithful saved before the craziness.  Also not tied to any sect.  Able to be adopted by all. 
Ann Lee. (Upstate NY) shakers. Early adopted of fits and able to speak to dead.  

Joesph Smith (upstate NY) invented fan fiction. Chapter 11. 
Fox Sisters talk to ghost (upstate NY) use Morse code to talk to dead. 
Medicine. Water cures. Homeopathy mesmerism phrenology, vitamins tided to preaches often.  How they made cash.Tractor rods give first patent for medical device.  

Civil war. Both sides convinced of a conspiracies. Make things fit to closely together. Gods work.  Both sides part of Grand Design
Fantasy of south as land of grace and charm. England pomp came after puritans control on England  – Cromwell. Literature build idea of happy slaves and genial owners. Walter Scott used by south to believe them out bullshit.  Maybe places in south named after his books. . 

Brooklyn – Black America park. Bring 500 field hands to play slaves for white people to watch. Toured north east. 

60s. Source of freedom. Counterculture, extreme Christianity, extreme greed, anything goes. Do your own thing.  Believe what u want. Find your own truth.  True is I believe it. Empowered the right as much if. It more than left. Mistrust authority.  

Eaclyn. Miracles happen all the time. New religious with no regaining. Scientific with no science.  Gestalt therapy.  Science as a scheme to keep us down. 

Jane Roberts (upstate NY) oiuji board Seth spoke to here. Feel it believe.  Another dimension speaks. 

Social construction of reality.  Just creating cage for us. Reality rules written by rulers Introduced the scare quotes. No absolute truth. Peter Berger Thomas Luckman.  

60s double win for Christian conservative. Hedonism gave them something to react against and ideas gave room to believe whatever they want 

Religion today. As secular as turkeyNothing particular. We find fantasy that fit us crystals, dead talking. Women spiritual. Males believe in conspiracy. Include energy 90% in god.50% personal relationship with god, miracles. 

Non profit status ( ax free market) subsidy breeds complacency 
Most countries less religious as free and rich.  Only repressed and failed stars more. – except us 

Secret. New age. Positive thinking. No JESUS. Get u whatever u want. Sci fact. Law of attraction. Summon and get. Act speak and think act as if u have it.  Universe give right away. Any time delay is u not really wanting it. Just ask and believe.  

Dr Oz. Alt medicine. Energy healer in surgery. To redirect energy.  Medicine is very religious and each Pushed magic products. Pills. Vitamins.  Make believe hackTrumps doctor 

Yoga not practiced for renouncing world but rather to deal with parts of life u like while keeping the rest.  Noisy people went into silence then back to work. 

Scorn. Without access. Sponsored. Why elite dislike and why so much hogwash grew. Professors didn’t call it out. Truth didn’t exist.  Impartial regarding truth. Reason a tactic not a rule. 
Dennis Nueness90% on issues.  10% on chem trails 2000sFlipped now. Small percentage of contact about subjects that are mostly real. 
John Ziegler. Brainwashed audience. Gone too far. No way to get it back.  

Reality of shared facts broke down. People believe crazy fantasy and Trumo gets it. Fiction are facts. Truthful hyberlole. Winning so much winning. Will have everything u ever wanted in a country. 50% false 20% mostly false. Remember the many things he says that are true. He does believe that. Has believed it for awhile.  Other people feel as I do. More blatant lie effective. Power of repeated contraction is that it dulls our sense of truth

American Econ dream end. We didn’t go to work. We went to fantasy. Least educated most conspiracy minded. 

World no longer binary as Cold War. China communists and free market power.  Russian not communist not free market. What are they? Muslim states used to be pro-US or pro soviet. Now they secular-good, fundemtaliatist-bad but then we work with some fundamentalist countries and fight secular one. Easier to believe in a cabal. 

Everything is possible. Nothing is true. Irrational exuberance Credit default swaps. Keep going. Reply Forward