Ninety percent of everything

Rose George

Sound underneath- talk and locate with sound. White whale Humpback sing, blue moans. Right calls. Sound channels in ocean. Sound travels hundreds of miles.  800 species of fish can hear. Every fish study interacts with sound / vibrations

Sound affects mental health Air guns. Echo location for fish. Sonar induces benz in mammals. Cavitation bubbles from propeller. Pops. Long term noise. +3db background noise every decade.  Constant noise like highway.  
Shipping noise always there.  Whales shifted into higher frequencies. Migration routes changes.  Cumulative impact of constant noise, not clear. Measure stress in hormones from poop.  Week after 9/11. -6db in North Atlantic. No planes, no boats, no ships.  Pre-industrial ocean.  Stress hormones down.  

Right whales may not able to get out of way when feeding. Too much water in mouth. Bonnell affect. Silent in front of ship. Micheal McClean introduced the container. Transformed time and effort to laid and unload.  Dropped the cost of shipping.  25% of price used to be shipping. Now less than 1%.  No time ashore. Humpback sound ranged reduced by 90% Noise increasing as shipping increases 2-6-% per year.