
Varo Marcus Octavious. Human and Divine Antiquities.  Book helped create gods. Saw across local practices helped vision of Roman gods. 
Gods. Special places. Did special things for people.  No simple answer to what is god. 7 questions. 1. Where is god found? Longer in places.  Map location. 2. When does god appear. In season, childbirth, weather.  Seen in festivals calendar. 3.  Who paid attention to the god?  Temple people, vendors, believers. 4. What did god do? Victory, protect form disease? Bring babies. 5. What did god look like?  Physical form.  Vary over time and place.  6 what is story? Tale and how they came to be. Main and supplemental stories. Some without stories or no extant. 7.  What is gods name?

Fundamental to connect to humans. To have scale and relatable. 
Apollo and hericlues travelled well almost universal world 
Civolyne books oracle text. Oracle text came into use first two centuries ade
Astronomy.  World of stras perfect. Spirits went to perfect. Study of this logical world.  Platinus important mover in monotheism.  Earlier was one of many.  Long slow transition to only all knowing god.  1-2nd ade.  

Paganism created to differentiate from non-Christian. Needed it to have others.  Pagan word first meant civilian, some who outside doctrine but not problem.  Most people didn’t care.  Very little resistance.  Really questions about what Christianity was. Not diff. Big powerful god. Unique religion and pagans foil to help make it true 

Self denial for wealth. Doctrine of gender and sex.  Legal and routine. Enforce norms.  Diff that other religions. Believe that Christianity wins. 
Gods got old and small. War rolled over the.  Rituals expensive.  New god came