Framers Coup

How debt relief and rebellion created a climate among some for strong, property centered constitution 

Chapter 1 Controversial eventuate. No single motive. Conservative counter revolution against the irresposible popular economic reforms from the people. Problem of excessive democracy.

Why constitution didn’t represent public opinion in
1780 mass cracked down on debtors. Instead of enact debt relief print money allow payment in good. Spawned Shays rebellion. Burn documents
State’s interfere with property rights. Too democratic and not protect property.

Econ. Property damaged. Markets fell. No war  plus England blocked American trade. Very little metal money. Taxes going up to pay war debt. Taxes higher than us paid under England.  Poll and land taxes, regressive and paid in specie.  Farmers lost land.

Shays rebellion.  Not poor. Middle class endebted by tax. Many veterans. Pissed at aristocracies leaders. Calle them indolent rabble.  Many speculators.  

Scared Rich. Knox report. Inflated problem. Denied taxes were problem. Also that common property. Block state law to print paper money.  No state shall coin money. Contracts.  No debt relief. Article 1 Section 10.  
Chap 11South thought they have more people. Ok with rep on people cause north loss power over time.  Property main object of society. Rep should be based on it.

Equal on senate. Made sense in articles because states had a voice in outcome. State legislatures not in new congress.  Small states get too much power.  Equal number of people get equal rep. Madison pointed out main diff is slaveholding or not. Geo and size less important.  (Carrying and non-carrying).

Labor Long grow. Tabcaco rice indigo. Year round labor. Made slavery profitable. Slave death falling.  Indentured servitude falling. # of slaves grew. 7%-46% by 1740. Virginia 46% 60 by 1720 South Carlin 1750 14% N.Y. most in north.

Jefferson trembled for his country because god is just.  
No northern delegates challenged slavery. Taxation and representation. Not about abolishing slavery.  Agreed to return slaves and but off making trade in humans illegals.

South Carolina sent 4 rich slavers to convention.  Trade on religions humanity and justice. 25 delegates owners. 16 delegates from south slavery critical to their wealth. 
Apportion no one knew how to account South Carolina wanted to use wealth. Morris Property main object of gov.

Clint I g slaves in rep incentive to increase the slavery.  3/5 from articles tax based on land.  Indians not taxed. And slaves cost to whole number of whites. 3/5 if all others.

CT approach. Equal rep in senate.  Pop in house (40,000) and 3/5. No wealth. 
Chap 18. Davey of NC came out and said that slaves needed to count or south pulling out.

Commerce vs land based wealth. Foreign slave trade was object of discussion. North not want Free slaves in country but did want to stop import.

1808 Jefferson end trade. Changed demographic.  Started buying from north.  Maryland and virgins sold to Deep South.  Less slave more tied to north. Econ   Kentucky Maryland Missouri stayed north. 
Northwest territory Agree to non salve states in new states long as fugitive slavery clause in constitution. Quaker’s and  mass think criticism  auilory slavery. Return. Slaves. Many states barred clergy from office Ari preserve sep of church and State. 

Second to last chapter Design sys to repress moment debt reliefMadison. Fundamental issue of republican gov is figuring out to keep Property from sliding in to hands if those who want s more equal distribution of property 
Without Shays and Rhode Island no same constitution.  Only regulate commerce.  Less democratic than expected.  Part with privilege. 
Farmers isolate from dem. Big districts, long term, exec with veto to block populist laws.  

Judge Sheila from pop.  States not constrain reps.  Veto of state laws not in cause had to ratify thru states. A process that lessened teens of office.  Also not include Property because of states.  

War profiteers.  Knox, quartermaster, 50% of cash paid was ripped off by suppliers.  Suppliers were mostly American.  Didn’t fight but made mad cash.  Us borrowed the cash.  Very broke at the end of war.  Owed tons. Many of profiteers had the cash to by debt from lenders at pennies on dollar. Then sued gov for full payment.  

Last chapter Congress power over direct taxation.Mass used to direct government. Involved in many decisions. 
Anti federal found room under con to argue for their Position. Many in reaction to Hamilton policies.   Property qualifications not included was too difficult to figure out. Marshall necessary and proper.  Gave power to congress. 3/5 clause. State leg chose senators.  Resisted to amendment. Blocked pop election. 1913 amended.  

Elec college. Not popular elec.  poor option not to size. 
Senate rep impossible to malapportionment each state has equal rep. Not democratic in 1787 when conceived and much less is now. People in Scarcely populated states are not a minority group requiring special protection yet they are a Group given the most protection in the country. Has largely advanced southern slaveholders and white su

Property as main object of government.  Founders wanted gov to protect those who own a lot. Not about equality, equity, sustainability but about protecting accumulation of wealth.   

Chapter 2 debt and tax relief. designed to block these efforts. Made by one party in the discussion of relief.

Chapter 6 relief. Paper money. Increase trade by increasing circulating medium and make it easier to pay debt and taxes. Buy land at 25% of value. Make speculators rich. People had to sell at discount. Buyers insist gov pay in full. Gov tax people to get he cash. People paying twice. Many soldiers paying twice. Paid in notes. Worthless. Sold. Largest. 90% owned by speculators. Paid on face value. Often 1/5 or 1/9. Wealthy think demcacry not able to protect property. Civil war or dissolution of nation if property not protected.

Chapter 10 – Judicial review of law. Radical step. England legislator supreme. But wealthy in US grow wary of populist control of legislature. Rhode Island. Paper money and debtor relief woulda been revoked as attack on property rights. 2 article 1 section 10 – No mess with contract or debt relief.

Chapter 11– Didn’t want direct democracy. Larger district for house more likely to produce property protected. Rich have big patronage networks and use them to control district. Also. Cities easier to organize around one person while country have disparate voice. Protect business against farmers.

Fed not put property qualification. But state legislature voted for Senators and most states had sufferance. Relied on states to be prejudice.
Property is the main object of government. How debt relief and rebellion created a climate amongst some for strong, property centered constitution

Chapter 13 senate give stability to republic. Protect it from masses who use democracy to create a more equal distribution of good senate a check on democracy.

Chapter 15 lack of transparency of agenda limited who went. Lack of transparency about proceedings limited what was discussed

Chapter 18 wealth reflected in rep. Property main thing. Wealthy need to be represented. Why constitution didn’t represent public opinion in