Peter Joseph – economy to fight oppression
Human achievement is a social sharing process. Immature to grant such favor to individuals. Social system based on economic system determine political structure and dominate cultural values. Most form oppression rooted in social Econ inequality. Most ecological degradation rooted in essential economic mode.
System thinking. See large order relationship rather than smaller parts. In lit, rational for individual, structure for larger order. Social order determines negative out. Can see past facade to see system. Hard for us to think in probability. Mind gravitate to simple thinking. Chain of causality instead of evil
System also differ from dominate power. Also very differ from western religion. Autonomous being that we can make decisions. Economy based on early version of society. Individual choice not social impact. Externalities
Sociological lag We have Info that change society from simple thinking to system. We not want to and powerful invested as is. Social connection not a preference but biological need. Connection and respected is hardwired. Imbalance results without.
Income Inequality produced more struggle got good. Good needed for stairs. More likely to kill for sneakers in place in high income diff.
Amount if violence tied to differ in class. Domestic violence that low Econ status. Lack of job biggest rush factor in domestic murder
SDT social dominance theory. People form coherent grips to promote themselves over others. Promote inequality. Natural group based oppression. Hierarchy enhancing. Mech such as police. We need sdt or become unstable. Sedonius and Protos. SDO drive in us. Cultural not matter. (Gender, age, arbitrary set). Set in motion by economic surplus. Surplus leads us to group and protect.
Environ social and political factors not included. Scarcity. Cross cultural summary. Dessert fighters, jingle lovers. Abidjan e and equal distribution leads to peace The paradox of abundance those with the extra will prepare for war
Origins of political order
Right left divide over property. Rousseau says first fence original injustice. Marx rid of all pp. Madison gov to protect individual right to acquire property. 64
Early private property not individual but my kinship or Family. Religious and social functions as important as economic. Romans and Greek hearth and burial. Owned but couldn’t sell. Ancestors and future generations live there. Community vision of Property. 66
Some parts of west Africa Property more tied to religion. Initiated and welcome into the rites bright access to land.
Sometimes owned by whole tribe but worked individually with overlapping obligations of help and support. Possible that many groups have overlapping claims on same land. Pastoral peoples didn’t own land. Shared access. No evidence of tragedy of commons.
Did tragedy if commons exist? Was it always or example of social deterioration in England? Not lots of other evidence. 68
Hugo Grotius
Right to preservation Right to charity constrains private property Justice right to product of honest industry”Charity right “so much of another mans plenty as to keep him from extreme want”
All argue that this constrains private property. Based on the right to not be excluded from Preservation. Everyone obligated to provide substance for all else