Color of Law

Richard Rothstein

Property social : see it in ways aa segregated from war.  War project housing sparing up in 40s for war factory workers.  FHA built and/or financier them. Diff tween AA and WA. WA had better buildings more amenities and closer to work and town.  Segregation enforced from beginning.

Fed loan Guarantees for war vets meant banks loan to them.  AA excluded, no loans no houses. After war as more whites able to borrow money public housing center on AA.  Then access made needs based.  Lots middle class families and gov not provide enough assistance to live well. Bad schools, poor public transport. Far from work from town. In dump sites.  Federal policy made ghettos. Many cases on sites of previously integrated neighborhoods ( AA and immigrant)

Middle class AA also trapped.  No loan guarantee. Covenants against selling to AA and held up by state courts. Cases where people did move in, violence either support or tolerated by local authorities. Only option was contracts in AA neighborhood. High price, high interest and ownership transfer only when paid off. No equity built as u go. Trapped people in place.

Property value myth exploited to exclude and deluxe.  Two studies show prices rise – middle class willing to pay more, good neighbors. Fear spree on purpose to manipulate market – clear omit city hood populate new subdivision drive aa to contracts.  

WA not want to excluded and we didn’t. Systemically on federal state local and individual level. Property is place we can see racism working and understand the damage done.  

Note; Gov discriminating against housing compromising rights. Legacy of sl. Jones v Meyer. Justice Roberts 2007. Schools not account for race for integration. Racially homogeneous housing lead to homogeneous schools. Societies racism, not gov and therefore can’t use gov to address. Private choices. School leave alone.

Past wrongs linger. Can’t overstate impact today. Must be so real to have casual link to violation of rights.  Demographic change not have any real link to federal actions. Justice Kennedy

Racially explicit federal policy build the dejury segregation that violated their constitutional rights. Controlling to build the segregation. Denied right to integrate. Harm still felt today and because it build by federal and state govs, nation must redress. He agrees with judges.  Nation must redress gov sponsored segregation. Differs in saying that not private choices but built.  
Fed financials housing for war. Not permanent. Segregation in housing and social enforced.  

Rolling wood couldn’t sell to aa. Private housing. FHA approved mortage. While only. Aa move into public housing wa left.   USO kept segregated services.  Org but Roosevelt use gov building coordinated with military 
Chapter 3PWA project segregation.  Wa and ba. 16 for white and 8 for ba. gov buildings.

USHA 1937 stop building and comp apply for subsidies. Respected local housing practices – created more segregation.  Manual said wa not live by aa. Preserve existing structures.  

Austin rosewood courts. Collect all city aa in one place. Reinforced.  
HUD AA put in specific buildings. Wa given vouchers to go where they wanted.   Non discrimination housing was seen as punishment to those there.  Borq argued in court.   Real estate interest kept public housing into poor only. Even though market not provide affordable housing.  

Chapter 7: Contract installment plan. Ownership at end. Miss 1 payment u out. Pattern: aa move in wa hood. Price up. Speculators spread fear in wa.  Wa leave. Prices tumble. But aa still not get loans. Speculators by house and sell many times on contract. 

Chapter 8 Other policies.  IRS let tax exempt status to white only academy and churches. Church supported convenant. Banks. Regulators not monitor racial preferences. Relied on market to provide loan yet whole sector doing same thing. Redline and reverse redline _ subprime loans to people in certain conditions.

Chapter 9: Zoning to keep aa from building or moving. Urban blight and slum clearance.  No real building. Entrench between to i he’d remvi. Highway planning to divide and clear hoods.  Tool for selling highways – way to make areas whiter. 

Chapter 11: Suppressed income. Live father away. Pay more for home. Lower pay. Tax aa more Fed labor practices. FDR needed south. Farming excluded minimum wage. unions, social security left farm hands and janitors out. Canneries seen as agricultural,   It factory. Fed agencies hired almost all whitesFeds allow unions to exclude .