Thomas Sowell
Understand pattern development. Under essence vs temp outward appearance. What is the function driving the change. Dialectical approach – find the inner pattern driving the changing form
Chapter 5 Capitalism created expanded possibilities that make possible full realization of life for all. So long as divided into classes, productive potential not allow freedom to flow to all. Collect into a few.
Chapter 7Study of relation between people. Cap is a social relation. Producers work for one another but in a state of Hegelian alienation, not knowing they are part of a system. They focus on things – competition for the makers. Fetish commodity. Proceeds not in contact until exchange. Relation hide.
Value – units of societies labor. A relation between people expressed as relation between things.
Exchange value – price. Outward form reflecting the hidden valve of network. Valve differs for 2 reason. Exchange fluctuations with market. Surplus valve part that exceeds what worker needs to live.
Need market competition. Need valuation. Under and over to understand how many of what to build. Labor time in one industry not the same in all. Differ.
Chapter 8 Paris dic1. Suffrage, 2. Open society. Publish errror, 3, free religion, sep 4 non military view.
Chapter 10 Not abolish capital or equip just the private ownership. Justifying owner remuneration valid only within system. Not when changing system. Lenin had to bring back capital practices cause early egalitarian broke Econ. Stalin collectivism didn’t bring egalitarianism
Marx ignored failing firms. Value started in middle when hiring. Not account for Co that hire people but don’t sell. No surplus value. Risk not include.