Noam Chomsky
Chapter 2 – Difference between US veneration of freedom fighters behind iron curtain while completely ignoring what we did in south and Central America. Most tortured and murder was of religious people, particularly Roman Catholic priests and nuns.
Vatican 2 – 1962 – restore teaching of gospel. Prefer poor and help them organize. JFK shifted multitude from hemispheric defense to internal defense. Use Himmlers techniques of repression and murder. Oscar Romero, liberation theology defeated by US gov.
Chapter 4 Torture Memos 2008-2009. Charles Burny. Time spent creating link al Quesada and Iraq. Push harder, torture. We use torture for years.
Morgenthal – transcend purpose to nation. Evidence of history, abuse of religion. Idea of America 1630 Whinthrop. Come over and help us. City on a hill. Imperialism only if ocean involved. Spread across country not seen as imperialism. Salt water fallacy.
Obama’s ban on torture. Americans not do it. Can still proxy. Pay and train others to do it in other counties. Americans can still do it in non-conflict counties. American aid to South America flows to most repressive government. Military aid and not tied to need. But tied to pro corporate environment and repression/Murder of worker advocates.
Chapter 6 Cold War mentally just excuse. Wall comes down and bush 1 says no change to spending. Create new enemies. Confront tech of 3rd world. Radical nationalism real problem.
Debt reduction only way to solve to raise income. Used to squeeze gov to death. Jobs and growth deficit, not spending waste. Healthcare system could solve regulatory capture is too complete.
Chapter 7 Maoist China health better. Capitalism see spike in preventable death. US fear of democracy. 2006 election Palestine. Impose penalties for voting wrong way. We Supprt democracy only if we get what we want. US impose preconditions, we must run negotiating, Israel gets to keep making settlements.
Iran. Europe Israel greatest threat to world. Men’s US and Israel biggest threat. Only 25% see Iran and threat. US military see Iran nukes as defensive deterrence.
Chapter 8 Manga Carta Charter of forest. Charles 2nd. Law over king. People origin of all power, not king or god.Williams in Rhode Island.
Commons – Forest – protect from external power. Forest source of fuel and food. Now stuck with whatever can’t be privatized. Free trade is investor rights. Tragedy of commons. Bullshit Terra nullus. Make use of land. Eleanor Ostrim group managed Make college expensive to trap and control young people. Heabeaus satisfied by discussion of murder in White House.
Chapter 9 JFK stood in opposition to military on missiles. But still operated from position that US rules the world.
Chapter 13. Workers need to own factory. To be free. Price to wage – sold self and lost self.
Chapter 14 89. Invade panama after wall fell. Make up new context. Then tech sophistication of 3rd world. Middle East concern radical nationalism- people wanting freedom. El Salvador most cash from US. Most repressive regin. East and west Germany based on not expansion of nato. Gorbachev pissed but told only a verbal agreement.
Fair and Balanced doctrine only applies to issues right wants. 97% global i, have to have counter voice. But weapons salesman says we need to invade Iraq, not need for other opinion. Russia. Taking Iver Crimea, not opposite voice.
Chapter 15 Ignore us shooting down Iranian airliner Iraq uss starkIserslt uss liberty 1967
Chapter 22 NPT nuke free zone lead by Iran. Undermined by US to protect Israel. 1995 started to extend to Middle East. Obama blocked it twice 2010 & 2015.
Chapter 23 Zacarhi Eastrum 18” rise. 5 billion tons of ice a year. Glacial Brooke off land. Because if Republicans party we can not have a legally binding agreement on climate change. Stanislav Petrov didn’t report us intrusion at start of Regan president. Automatic system reporting attach
Vaseline acropov – refused to launch nuke when his sub under attack. Cuba missile crisis.
John Bordney 62 – oct 28. Crew received launch order and refused. 43-255 false reports per year.
On Anarchy Interest of community. All means of production owned by work. State is not a medium. Worker org is What function has the state of private property has been abolished? From below. Translational state depend on changing economic ideas – growth
Little tree turned into a club bring forth leaves – Martin Buber
US economy that does well is state supported, planned economy. Industrial farming, built in market, subsidies and state support to protect international markets. Often tied to foreign policy.
High tech very dependent on military spending for r&d and market.
Pharma funded by research.
All authority and domination has to prove its justification. Burden of proof rest on those exercising authority. Usually just keeping political order intact.
People have the right to be free. Anything that hinders freedom must be justified.
Smith. Prefect liberty then perfect equality from markets. People ought to be completely equal. Right to control their own work.
Chicago distort wealth of nations. Removed entry on division of labor. Gov needs to intervene to end division of labor to get people from being. Crushed. Humbolt. Wage work makes us like a machine. Art advances yet artisan recedes, not natural. Focus on artisan not art.
Trust in politicos. Science must be honest. In politics if u support system, y can get away with a lot. If challenge, you must prove it. Diff between seeing Khadafi is a terrorist and George Bush is a terrorist. The second needs evidence. Yet TV won’t give you the time to do so, say u lack concision
Terrorism corresponds to power. More power more terror u commit.
Rousseau discourse on o equality. Property taken by force. Can be retaken by force without rich having complaint. Need consent from all to take more than u need. Anything from common subsistence that exceeded your own.