Jerry Muller Distortion affects of working to metrics. Personal judgment based on experience. A fashion for thinking and acting in the world, metric fixation. If u can’t measure it, I can’t improve it. What gets measured gets done. Possible to replace judgment with number inductors based on standard data. Publish results and be accountable. Tie rewards to them to motivate people. Rewards for performance – measure to pay. Or ranking – reputation. Measure on part of work. Companies add more data and take more time a efforts to measure. People learn ways to game system. Campbell’s Law – more we use a measure more games it will be. Usually feature short term over long term. Chapter 3 Recurring Flaws Distortion – measure the simple when outcome is complex. Inputs rather than output. Data seems more useful and certain. Gaming numbers. Preening Improve numbers by lowering standards. Longer flying times, under report Vietnam – stats for progress. Need to drop bombs. Laos lived underground. Chapter 6 Principle Agent Theory – those with interest and those hired to make it happen – agents. Incentives may not match. Principles want get Agent to follow their needs. How to measure that? Standard numbers and aligning metrics. Firm makes money, so do people. Calculative enemy of creative. Can’t try new things for they are not measured. Hard interest in measurement with weak interest in the validity of the units of measure. WHO 2000. US first in spending. Health distribution and financial fairness. Called ideological – but our systems which leaves so many people behind is what? Immoral? Racists? Genocidocal? Death rates cultural. Fat and smokers, and die from guns. Choice? Police very easy to massage numbers – reclassify crimes. Schools. Leave kids out, shift schools, fix tests. Hospitals send tough cases away or don’t do them. Hospitals punished for under performance often serve struggling communities- tax on poor. Military – art not science. Need judgement. Can’t apply from one context to next. Must know context. No fighting deals u someone controls area but not who. Measuring business. People skew work to meet. EppiePen 600% increase to meet targets for ceo pay. Wells Fargo croselling goals too high. People cheat. Bank blamed them. Doesn’t account for loyalty trust dedication reputation. Satisfieacti. Discourages innovation which is filled with risk and guess work.Focus on short term project. Development – more time reporting. Less time in admin, understaffed. Under experienced. Also privilege short term and inputs. Ignore long term goals. See management most important ! Some things are better behind closed door. Negotiations closed. Outputs public. Gov needs to hide a lot to share some. Don’t believe it. Reply Forward |