Peter Frase
Left stopped work reduction movement after WWII. 40 hours take for granted and struggle for how much u make in that time. But not expectation, 30 hour then 20. Keynes thought by 2000 we work 15 hour. Productivity grew enough (tripled(that we could have achieved this. Instead productivity gains went to the few. This is political choices and social struggles. Can reduce work hours in line with productivity to move towards it.
Lack of jobs of aggregate demands. Not enough jobs and wages. Will productivity gains go. Post work future has to have class struggle. Not rely on Capitalist class and property relations. Automation impact depends on how owns them. Who benefits.
Environmental change. Some disagree. Debate whether those few deniers are sincere in search for truth but their founders are not. They bet that keep doing want we and a small minority’s will be ok. No one argues that world will die. Rather more ruined and increased competition. Drivers of denial betting they can keep going as they are and be ok.
Both climate and automation changes must be seen thru crisis is capitalism and class struggle. We can have more equal future but need to change.
Property Social construct protect by state. Intellectual. Right to say what happens with copies.
Chapter 2 Retired relaxed pressure of being unemployed. Not having a job weighs on people but only while social expectation of work exists.
Decommidify labor. Live without work. Live with gov need
Intellectual property: state power protecting it. Who owns the robots, owns the world. Rick control info, copying of pattern. Extraction of rent, not production. A runtier, Stock, land and ip. Create, make, do nothing.
Henry George progress and poverty. Make land common property. Rid rents. All rents on land in tax and use for common. Keynes. Interest rewards only functions less owner.
Keynes. Rent not need to adjust for scarcity – function of a market. ie, don’t need to exist. Commons, enclosed and given to rich.
Intellectual Property right to a pattern and tell others how they can use it. Can use my purchased coffee anyway I want. But not seeds. How to maintain capitalism when scarcity doesn’t exist? When patterns can be controlled.
Sameul Bowels. Not about production but protection of property. Guards labor. 5.2 million in us. Protecting property transfers. Deep knowledge has a algorithm on board.
Chapter 4 Scarcity. Worries if collapse. Markets as technical tool which can be good. For profit inefficient. Produces goods that make cash. Overbuild those. Under build others. One space on each steer. Production quota first and price adjusts to target. Namibia tried UBI. 2008-2009. Worked. School up. Malnutrition down. Crime down. Elites attacked as crime and drunkenness. Hide desire to protect $2/hr farm work when people get $10