Ronan Farrow
Didn’t see much to note in this book. The book argues that we need diplomacy. Slow, difficult and beyond the capacity of most Americans, as we tend to be myopically focused on ourselves and have only a short attention span for that.
US undergoing a long period of relying on military power rather than state dept. Trump admin leapt forward. Cutting experts and putting military in charge of all. Direct tactical deals btwn military and local military.
90s 26 embassy closed. 30% cut in state budget. 99 arms control office closed. Specialized anti nuke specialist let go. Leaving behind ability to negotiate. Econ and treaties by military not work.
9-11 invest in state but a militarized state. All about fighting terrorism, other priorities flatlined. State not included in talks about treatment of captured fighters, interrogations.
Obama – showed what can be done. Paris climate and Iran deals.
80% chance military executes it. 80% state doesn’t.
Reagan built up fight against USSR in Afghanistan. Gave Pakistan anything they want – blind eye to nuke program. Certified them non nuke for years. Bush finally shit that door but gippper work
Afghan. Give anyone who would fight Taliban a gun. No need to fight Taliban. Could a been tough ones, not going home. Taliban not at Bonn talks. No inclusive approach.