Time Traveler’s Guide to Elizabethan England

Ian Mortimer

Didn’t take many notes on this book but did like Chapter 8 about sailing and will use this info. Place and people:

Landscape describe as towns ports. Markets. Ignore nature. Tracts between places. No roads. Painting is people buildings food. Not landscape. Woods moors dangerous Landscaper first used in 1590. Shake never uses. People. 4.3 million. Increasing. Not know why or how many. Nor war decrease pop. Available food at affordable price. Beard starts in 20s

Chapter 9: living conditions- End of chapter has info about early showers. Running water and glass windows not as needed as you might think. Wash face and hands and mouth. dress first.

Chapter 11: cleaning, using linens and washing hands and face. Chapter 12: courts and crime. punishment is often hanging. for sex is death but prostitute a child and barely get in trouble. 6 circuits for country, have to wait in jail months of court. Description of hanging – seems to be source for Neal Stephenson in Baroque Cycle or at least they know same sources. Music: john Darland william byrd, anthony holeborn, john bull. Bishops gate. Music dance and theater, all very alive and live in the same. all dance. hay , maidens dance, old man dance, setters, shipmen’s dance, barefoot dance, children’s dance, winding dance, solider’s dance. washerwoman dance, or a brawl. light canders, Morris dance done by groups of dancers. Lots of dancing schools in london and italian dancing masters. Masque brings together music and dance. dance seen as necessary for social status and getting ahead.

Divers Voyages touching the Discovery of America and the Islands adjacent: Collected and published by Richard Hakluyt.

Thomas Hariot’s A Brief and True Report of Virginia