Jon Meacham’s examination of the country’s struggle for freedom. We often make strides forward and back at the same time.
Meacham uses the concept of an American soul to look at the better and worse angels of our national character to say that the better have won out just often enough to keep the country alive. What he means by the soul is our collection of beliefs, convictions and sensitivities that form out character and govern our conduct. Liberty, self government and equality for all is what we are supposed to value. A single nation formed from different cultures and religions who practice the same ideals – or so we tell ourselves. Individuals making choices and living up the consequences, not a set ethnic or religion.
Reform also comes from people without political power. Civic rights, women’s rights, unions, child labor laws, suffrage, taking booze away and getting in back, gay marriage, gay rights, taking hiv seriously, police reform – still fighting, stopping nuclear power plants. Also requires leaders who speak to our common bonds and vision together, not divide us with hatred and blame.
Dreams of God and Gold – why the English came to Virginia. We tell the story of America as a search for religious freedom (it was liberty. puritans wanted to practice their relgion, not create a land where people were free to practice as they choose. The US constitution did that). But that was only half the story. Virginia was about finding gold. A big swindel as they kept enticing people to come long after they knew no gold existed. God was the excuse they used to hunt for gold. Evidence? The Jamestown Charter is only 3000 words long. 98 concern carrying religion to ‘people who live in darkness.” the rest about taking all the land, water, marshes, water, and to dig for gold, silver or any valuable.
Jackson was first president who directly represent people of US. Knew idea. Previous and many after, one of the few carrying for the rest. this complicated, violent man. Nullification Proclamation of 1832 sets out a vision of a wise carrying society while insisting states’ can’t nullify federal laws. Hope and unity in a time of division.
Lincoln did emancipate slaves but his focus on the ending the war and keeping the country together. He would gladly sell out all African-Americans if that served the nation’s purpose. He like most at his time, Lincoln couldn’t see whites living with blacks. He thought there was. Greatness is those who move forward in an imperfect world, as Frederic Douglas knew. Lincoln held many racists beliefs yet he held the nation together and ended the institution of slavery. If he put abolition first, lost much of the country and it would have remained split. Made him seem cold and unconcerned and slow from abolition standpoint but by the sentiment of the nation, he was swift, radical and determined.
Teddy was a champion of progressive causes yet was deeply racists. He supported women’s suffrage and
Temperament – hear the people, know how to lead, provide vision, strength. Character was f ores abs power.
teddy alai racist. Liked white man’s burden but found fir decent wage, normal working hours, hard work get with tabs peaceful life.
Welcome all. Matter of spirit and civic belief. Not ethnic or religious. All get respect. Also didn’t think whites could live with blacks but thought blacks deserve respect, freedom. Believed in race suicide, not enough whites born Thought blacks inferior. Ahead of country but still not great or virtue. Equality of treatment and Law. All men up. Not some men down.
Love peace but love righteous more than peace.
1920s rebiukt kkk. No tracing them. Truth and good info does work. Did help ebb anyway but first I’d goes other way. Intoxicated, by attention. Ranks swell but truth wins out over time
So big. Had control. They lied to saw president Harding was black. Lots of elected klansman
Kkk talk true Americanism. Cool edge said that means people Norns differ place, duff language and culture.
Anti Connie, my state not let socialist elected in nyc take seats. Springfield Union rebs excluded dens Casey inimical to people of us.
FDR hated by the rich and they wanted to remove him and set up a facisist state. Approach Smedley who said no. Guy did some good and bad things, this one was a damn good one. . He said no. Who know what happen if not. By then mass media so sophisticated that control beliefs. Much easier to lead through hate and blame. FDR also ahead of his time in being more open to black people yet still thought them inferior. Same old long story. Big shout out for the belief in experimenting with government and rejecting what doesn’t work. Focus on what does work.