Geoffrey West Scale curves show how quantities scale with change is size. How things change with size. How […]

Starividis Feredarlsits  want navy Jefferson. Farming south1803 Sicily base to fight Ian told six frigates Chesapeake boarded 1807. South China Sea 4 […]

Naomi Klein author of Shock doctrine. Corps use disorientation after shock war, coup, disaster to push pro corporate changes We

Info tech robbed market forces ability to create dynamism. Neoliberalism been solving profit problem by lowering labor costs and investing new types of interest. But issue remains. Falling investments.

Accumulation in one case, living only, not living well.  Excess of enjoyment contrast to nature.  Turn everything quality in to a means of getting wealth. Bravery, strength, interpret CW

BergerWhen a photographer creates arrestingly vivid images which give the impression of being saturated in thought, he reminds […]